Saturday, January 2, 2010

General Non Fiction – A miscellaneous selection

I’ve spent the last week since Christmas scanning the fiction shelves on the left hand side of the large bookcase. It was a task that involved unforeseen toil and trouble. I was wondering why I ended up in the evening with a sore throat, then finally realised today that it was the dusty state of the books that was causing this. The shelves, I must admit have not been dusted for over twenty years. This exercise has at least cleaned them up.

Anyway, before I get stuck into fiction, I’ll finish off the non fiction.

First Andre Breton’s Manifestos of Surrealism and Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With A Thousand Faces (which book I discovered in the fiction shelves).

breton_surrealism campbell_hero

Next – a few books relating to psychology. Ego And Archetype and The One Dimensional Man.

ego_archetype onedimensionalman

A stray Pelican on Existentialism and The Highest State of Consciousness

existentialism highest_state

Literature & Biography – The Bloomsbury Group, both books by Quentin Bell.

bloomsbury virginia_woolf

A biography of Oscar Wilde by Philippe Jullian


It has been many years since I last heard Findhorn mentioned, but apparently the community is still going. The New Agers of the 1970s were of course fascinated by its claims of giant vegetables and fairies at the bottom of the garden. Being a new ager of the 1970s I of course have a book on the subject.


And Celtic fairies…


Finally a biography of Marie Stopes and a facsimile of colonial Australian history titled Town Life In Australia.

marie_stopes town_life_australia

Coming soon – mass market paperbacks of the 60s, 70s and 80s.


Mary said...

Just a note to say that I've just found your blog, and it is amazing how much of your content is exactly what I'm thinking about...and interested in.
Wonderful! I'll be following closely.
Thanks very much.

Anne S said...

Hi Mary, welcome, I hope you continue to enjoy it.

BTW love your tiles!