Monday, August 11, 2008

Fantastic Art

In the early 1970s Pan Ballantine published a series of large format paperback art books dedicated to Fantastic Art. I collected quite few of them at the time. If you like what you see here, I recommend you check out John Coulthart’s wonderful blog, Feuilleton for more on this series. John had a feature post on these books last year. His post has some covers that are missing from my modest collection.

Below are the covers of the books from this series on my shelves.

fantastic_art fantastic_kingdom
innocent_art kay_nielson
rousseau max_ernst


Next, two which really aren't part of the Ballantine series - Escher and more art from Vienna.

escher fantastic_art_vienna

As well as the above collection, I also have included in this post related books dealing with Fantastic or Fantasy Art, which I should imagine are fairly rare these days. Fantasy - The Golden Age of Fantastic Illustration is a beautiful hard covered book with lavish high quality illustrations in colour and black & white which covers many of artists that featured in the Pan Ballantine series.

The Emil Petaja book is more illustrative of early Science Fiction & Fantasy magazine cover art.

fantasy showcase_fantasyart

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